How To Save TikTok Videos Without Posting 2024

Are you wondering how to save TikTok video without posting? 

Maybe you’re trying to test out some features on the TikTok platform or you’re working on a series of videos and you want to refine them first before posting,

Or maybe you just want to make a video for private viewing.

Whatever the reason, this post is for you because I am going to show you how to save TikTok videos without posting them to the public.

You can save a TikTok video without posting in one of 2 ways:
1. Save the video as a draft.
2. Post the video as a private video.

I am going to show you step by step how to do the above.

Save your TikTok video as a draft

As mentioned earlier, one of the ways you can save your TikTok video without posting it is by utilizing the drafts feature.

The TikTok drafts feature allows you the convenience to record and edit your video, save it as a draft, and come back to it later for further editing or to post it if you are ready.

You can even download the draft video to your device.

Here’s how to save a TikTok draft video:

Open TikTok on your iOS or Android device and tap the record button (the plus icon) at the center bottom to start creating your video.

Go ahead and record your video and edit it to your satisfaction then tap the Next button.

Tap the Tiktok plus icon to create the video
tap the Next button

In the next window, remember we don’t want to post the video so instead of pressing Post, just tap on Drafts.

Select Drafts.

Your video will be saved in your TikTok drafts, and as I mentioned earlier, you can come back to it later and maybe post it or do further editing on it.

Now, this option only allows you to save your TikTok video in the TikTok drafts, not to download it directly to your gallery or camera roll. 

how to save a TikTok draft to camera roll

If you want to save your draft video, you can either do a screen recording of the draft video while it’s playing or you can download it.

To screen record the video:

First, access your TikTok Draft folder by tapping on that Profile icon/photo in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Select Profile option

When your profile opens up, go to the Drafts option, you will even be able to see the number of videos you have in the folder before you open it.

Tap on the draft video you want and you can do further edits on it or post it. 

But if you just want to save it on your device, play the video, and then access the Screen record option (I just swiped down on my phone, yours might be in a different place)

Then you can record the video while it’s playing, and when it’s done you’ll find it in your camera roll or your gallery.

screen record option
Start recording

Or you can download the draft video:

Simply go to the Drafts section and open that particular video, from the menu items on the right, there should be a download icon or Save option, tap on it and your video will download.

Save TikTok draft.

Save/Post your TikTok video as private

With this method, you are going to save your TikTok video by posting it as private (via your privacy settings), and then it will be saved to your camera roll or gallery as well.

So let’s get right to it.

Launch your TikTok app and record your video, edit it to your liking, and then go to the Privacy Settings option.

select the plus icon
go to the Privacy Settings option

Under Who can watch this select Only me, and then tap Next.

Also Read: How To Unprivate Your TikTok Account

Click next

To make sure your video automatically downloads to your device after posting, go to More options make sure Save to device is turned on, and then tap Post.

Save to device
tap Post.

Your video will be posted as Private. No one but you will be able to view it.

And even better, it will automatically be saved in your Gallery or Camera roll.

If for some reason your video is not automatically saved to your device, worry not you can still save it manually.

To do this open your TikTok profile again and access your videos, open the private video you just posted and when you long-press on it, you should get the option to Save the video.


Q. What happens to TikTok draft videos if I delete my TikTok app?

If you delete your TikTok app uninstall it or even just log out of TikTok and back in, all your draft videos are deleted and there’s no way to retrieve them.

So if you’re considering doing so, be sure to first save any draft videos you need on your device.

Q. Can I edit a saved TikTok draft before posting?

Yes, you can edit a saved draft before posting it. Just go to your profile and access your Drafts folder, select the draft you want to edit, make any changes or additions, and then proceed to post it.

Q. Can I save multiple drafts on TikTok?

Yes, you can save multiple drafts on TikTok. Each draft represents a video that you’ve saved but you haven’t posted yet.

This can help you organize and refine your content before posting.

Q. Are saved drafts visible to others?

No, saved drafts are private and not visible to other TikTok creators or users. Only you can access and view your saved drafts.

Q. Can I share a draft with someone else for feedback?

No, drafts are only accessible by the account that created them.

You can’t share drafts directly with others from TikTok, but you can show them the video on your device or you can screen record/download it and then share.

Q. What does it mean to post a TikTok video as private?

Posting a TikTok video as private means that the video will only be visible to you.

It won’t appear in your followers’ feeds or be accessible by others on the platform. Only you can view the video when logged into your account.

Q. Can I change the privacy settings of a posted private video?

Yes, you can change the privacy settings of a posted private video and either keep it as a private video or make it public if you decide to share it with your followers.

Q. Can I change a private video to a public video later?

Yes, you can change a private video to a public video later if you decide to share it with your followers.

You can adjust the privacy settings of the video within the TikTok app.

Can I download tiktok video without posting it?

Yes. After recording your video and saving it as a draft, you can download the draft to your gallery. You don’t have to post it until you’re ready.


In summary, knowing how to save your TikTok videos without posting them will give you more control over your creation process and experience.

It will also allow you to create content that appeals to both your creative goals and your audience.

I hope this article has helped you do just that.

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Picture of Grace
Grace is an Editor at GoTechUG and she has written many articles about website design and social media. She has experience in IT and loves to tinker with anything to do with computers. In her spare time, she loves music, movies, reading books, and learning Spanish.

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