How to Unsuspend your TikTok Account in 2024

Finding your TikTok account suspended or banned can be a frustrating experience especially if you do not know why it has been suspended.

You are probably reading this because you are experiencing it. Worry not!

In this article, I’m going to discuss TikTok account suspensions and take you through step by step on how to unsuspend your TikTok account.

Yes, having a banned account is a pain, but the good news is that TikTok provides you a way out through its appeals process.

Depending on the seriousness of the violation, your account may be either temporarily suspended or permanently banned.

A temporary suspension usually lasts a certain period; maybe 24 hours or even 7 days.

The best thing you can do is wait it out and your account will be automatically restored after the suspension.

If not, then you can appeal to TikTok via your app or by email.

We will look at these steps in detail, but first…

What does a TikTok suspended account look like?

Suspended TikTok account

If your TikTok account is suspended; 

  • Your profile, bio and account information will be hidden from the platform.
  • All the content you’ve ever posted (videos, comments, etc.) will be hidden.
  • You won’t be able to interact with other users; share, comment like etc.
  • TikTok sends you a notification with an explanation or reason for the suspension and allows you to appeal for restoration of your account.

Note that TikTok’s temporary ban/suspension period is up to the platform’s discretion.

They may suspend you for a short time or a long while depending on the severity of the cause, after which your TikTok temporarily suspended account may be automatically restored.

Also Read: How To Make A Joint TikTok Account With Your Friends

Why your TikTok account may be suspended/banned

Suspended account

Before we get into unsuspending your account, let’s try to understand the grounds for TikTok account suspension because to find a solution one must understand the cause, right?

Your TikTok account may be suspended for the following reasons:

1. Community guidelines violation:

A TikTok user needs to be aware of and understand TikTok community guidelines and terms of service.

If your account has been suspended it is possible that TikTok found you in violation of their guideline or terms, especially if your account accumulates a significant number of policy violations.

Some common violations include nudity, hate speech, misinformation, bullying/harassment, illegal content, illegal activities, impersonation and the like.

2. Security Issues: 

Sometimes TikTok may detect other security like unauthorized access and hacking attempts on your account or any other malicious behavior.

It could even be that you forgot your TikTok password and attempted to log in a couple of times with the wrong password (this is what I experienced).

If any of the above scenarios happens it may lead to your TikTok account temporarily suspended for your protection.

3. Copyright violation: 

If you repeatedly post or upload any videos with copyrighted content (music or images) without getting permission, this may lead to copyright violations which may in turn cause TikTok to suspend your account.

4. Reported Content: 

If multiple TikTok users report your content for one reason or another, your account may be reviewed, and if violations are confirmed it may be suspended.

5. Age violations:

TikTok requires its users to be at least 13 years old. If TikTok finds out you’re underage or if you create an account for someone underage, that account may be suspended.

How to un suspend your TikTok account

Depending on the severity of your offence, a suspension can take anywhere from a few hours to a week. 

Most times your account may be restored automatically.

But if this does not happen, or if you believe it was suspended in error, then take these steps to try and get your TikTok account restored:

Step 1: Find the suspension email or notification

Typically, TikTok will send you an email notification or a notification in your TikTok inbox telling you your account has been suspended and explaining why. Find that email.

Step 2: Understand the reason for your account’s suspension

The suspension email or notification should have an explanation for your suspension.

Make sure you understand the reason for your suspension as it is stated. 

Step 3: Contact TikTok Support to appeal the suspension

After reading and understanding the circumstances that TikTok says led to your suspension.

Since you are the owner of the account you know whether what they’ve stated is true for your account activity or not. 

Now it’s time to get in touch with the TikTok customer support team to try and get help.

1. Via TikTok website:

You can visit the official TikTok support website using your web browser and you can go to their “Contact Us” or “Support” section where you can submit your request or report an issue.

2. The Appeal button:

There’s usually an Appeal button in the suspension email or notification, click on that button and follow the instructions provided to appeal the suspension.

Be sure to provide any additional information that might help your case.

3. By email:

Alternatively, you can also appeal via email. You can use this address: [email protected] to send them an email.

Include as much detail about your case as you can, then give them time to do the account review and respond.

Hopefully, they will restore your account.

If they do, be cautious going forward, and try as much as you can to follow the TikTok policy/community guidelines.

Remember that multiple or repeat offences may lead to a permanent ban, and you definitely don’t want that! 

How long is a permanent ban on TikTok?

Well, just like its name suggests, a permanent ban on TikTok is pretty much PERMANENT! Especially if there were severe violations found by TikTok.

All your content is removed and you will not be able to access the platform using those credentials.

Actually, according to TikTok’s rules you shouldn’t even try to create a new TikTok account, much less use the email address you were using before.

However, if you believe your account was banned in error or unfairly, Tiktok still gives you the option to appeal.

How to get your TikTok account back if it was banned

To appeal a TikTok ban you need to find the notification that TikTok sent you when they banned your account, open it, tap the Appeal button then follow the procedure to explain your issue.

If there’s no Appeal option then your account is pretty much a goner.

But you can still appeal by sending a TikTok appeal email to [email protected].

Then be patient and wait for the review process to commence.

Also Read: Best Way To Unfollow Everyone On TikTok


Q. How long will my TikTok account be suspended?

This depends on the severity of your violation and the number of times you have committed any violations on the platform.

But a temporarily suspended TikTok account can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a week to be restored.

Q. How many warnings until you get banned on TikTok?

According to TikTok’s terms, you will be notified if your account is on the verge of being banned.

It all depends on the violation, the particular feature where it has been found, and how many times you have committed the offence.

Note that some severe violations may get you an immediate permanent account ban.

Q. Can I use my TikTok account during the suspension?

No, if your TikTok account is suspended, you won’t be able to use it or post content until the suspension is resolved and your account is reinstated.

Q. What should I do to prevent future suspensions?

To avoid future suspensions, make sure you do not deviate from TikTok’s community guidelines, respect copyright and intellectual property rights, and maintain a positive and safe presence on the platform.

Q. How do I contact TikTok directly?

You may contact TikTok through this link:


In conclusion, understanding TikTok’s community guidelines and policies can play a great role in helping you avoid violations. 

If your account was suspended, understanding the reason behind the suspension will also be important as you appeal the suspension, and for future reference.

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Picture of Grace
Grace is an Editor at GoTechUG and she has written many articles about website design and social media. She has experience in IT and loves to tinker with anything to do with computers. In her spare time, she loves music, movies, reading books, and learning Spanish.

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