Can My Followers See My Comments On TikTok in 2024

If you are like me, when you come across a fascinating video on TikTok the first thing you do after watching it is rush to the Comments section to see what people are saying about it or maybe even add a comment yourself.

As you engross yourself in TikTok’s vibrant world of short videos, questions about the visibility of your interactions on the platform may arise.

One such question is whether your followers can see your comments on TikTok.

By this article’s end, you will have the answer to this question and some additional tips about TikTok comments and privacy.

The short answer to ‘Can my followers see my comments on TikTok?’ is YES. 

If your TikTok account is Public, not just your followers but anyone who views the video you commented on will be able to see your comments.

We will look at this question from 2 different angles:

  • The question of whether your followers can see the comments you post on other people’s videos and
  • Whether your followers can see the comments posted (by others) on your videos.

can your followers see your comments on TikTok: comments you make/post on others’ videos?

You may be wondering ‘Can my friends see what I comment on TikTok?’; as in the comments you make on videos by other content creators.

Well, here’s your answer:

TikTok typically thrives on user engagement.

When someone posts a video on their TikTok profile or page and users watch it, it is usually accompanied by comments which become a crucial part of the TikTok experience.

But before you add that comment to that interesting video you may ask yourself the above question, or the questions; “Can my followers see what I comment on TikTok?”, and if so, do you want them to?

The answer lies in your TikTok account privacy settings.

Public Tiktok account comments

As I mentioned earlier, if your account is set to Public, your followers and anyone else who accesses and views the video you have commented on can see your comments.

This may come in handy if you are one of the TikTok users looking to expand your reach and connect with a wider audience. 

You commenting on public accounts may serve as a platform for building a community, connecting with like-minded individuals, sparking conversations, and gaining followers who align with your perspective.

Your followers and other people will view your comments when they open up the video and then go to the Comments section on the right.

TikTok Public Comments
TikTok Public Comments

Private TikTok account comments

On the other hand, if your account is set to Private, only your approved followers will see your comments.

So, can TikTok friends see your comments if your account is Private? Yes, if they are among your approved flowers. If they are not in your Followers list they can’t.

For those who desire a more personal internet experience, this controlled setting may be more appealing.

Note: If you comment on a TikTok video and it later goes viral, its visibility surges, and regardless of whether your account is public or private, your comment could potentially become widely visible and reach a broader TikTok audience.

can your followers see your comments on TikTok: comments posted on your videos?

If you are wondering ‘Can TikTok followers see your comments’; comments made by other users on a video you posted, the answer is yes.

By default, any comments added to your video are visible to anyone who accesses or views that video, regardless of your account’s privacy settings.

If you do not want your followers to see the comments on your video, you are probably better off turning off comments from your video altogether, this way people will not comment on your videos at all.

How to turn off comments for your TikTok video

To turn off comments for all the TikTok videos you post:

Go to your Tiktok and open your profile by tapping your profile photo at the bottom right

Tap on the menu (☰) at the top right corner then select Settings and Privacy.

TikTok Settings and Privacy
TikTok Settings and Privacy

Tap Privacy to go to your Privacy settings section, go down to Comments and select No One.

TikTok Privacy Settings
TikTok Comments Settings
TikTok Comments Settings

Now, no one will be able to view your existing comments or comment on your video.

TikTok Comments Settings

To turn off comments for a particular video you post(ed):

First; make sure the general Comments are turned on by reversing the steps above, then:

You can either turn off comments on a new video; after recording it or uploading, before you hit the Post button, go to … More options and toggle off the Allow comments option.

TikTok Comments Settings
TikTok Comments Settings

Or, if your video is already posted; open that video and tap the 3 dots at the bottom ().

On the menu items displayed at the bottom, scroll to the left and find the video’s Privacy settings then toggle off the Allow comments option.

TikTok Comments Settings
TikTok Comments Settings
TikTok Comments Settings
TikTok Comments Settings

On PC:

If you are using a computer, open TikTok in your web browser and log in. 

Go to your profile and find the video you want to remove comments for. Tap on the 3 dots () on the right and select Privacy settings then toggle off Allow comments.

TikTok Comments Settings

Alternatively, you can just delete the particular comments that you don’t want your followers to see on your video. Simply go to the comment and long press then select Delete.

How to hide comments on your TikTok videos

Another way to keep your followers from seeing your comments is by making use of the TikTok comment filters feature.

With this option, you can filter out spam or offensive comments or comments with some words you don’t want to be seen.

But the option that will work for you if you want to hide certain comments is the Filter all comments option.

If you turn it on, all past and future comments will not be displayed on your video(s) unless you approve them. This way, you have control over which comments to show to your followers.

To turn on the Comment Filter feature go to your TikTok app, open your Profile and tap Settings and Privacy> Privacy > Comments > Filter all comments.

TikTok Comments Settings

Now any comments that come in will go to the Comment management section and you can click on Review filtered comments to approve the ones you prefer to be visible.


Q. What can your TikTok followers see?

Your default TikTok followers’ visibility of your account’s activity is very much dependent on your privacy settings.

If you have a Public TikTok account, your followers (and anyone else) can generally see;
1. All your public videos. 
2. All Your liked videos.
3. Your lists of Followers (the users who follow you and Following (the users/accounts you follow).
4. Comments you make on other users’ videos
5. Comments made on your videos (if the comments option is turned on).

Even if your account is public, some of these options can be adjusted in your Privacy settings. You may be able to choose who can see what.

If your account is Private on the other hand, only your approved followers will see your videos, followers and following lists, likes, and comments.

Basically, your whole profile is off-limits to everyone else but your approved flowers.

Q. Can you hide your comments from certain people on TikTok?

No. if you have a public account anyone will be able to see your comments. Your only solution is to make your account private.

Q. Can followers see hidden comments?

No. If you use the comment filtering feature to hide general comments, your followers will only be able to see the comments you have approved.

Q. Can someone see if you delete a comment?

No. When you delete a comment, it simply disappears and no one on the platform can see it.
No one will receive any notification that you have deleted it either.

Q. Can I delete my comment on someone else’s post?

Yes, you can.

Simply open the video you had commented on and open the comments section, find your comment then long press and select Delete

This will remove your comment from the video, and other users, including the video owner, won’t be able to see it anymore

Q. Can I turn off comments for specific videos?

Yes, TikTok allows you to adjust your comments settings for specific videos.

You can control who can comment by accessing the privacy settings for each video.

Q. Can I manage comments on TikTok using a PC?

Yes, much as TikTok is primarily designed for use on your mobile phone, you can still access your account through a web browser on your PC to manage comments and video settings. 

Q. What happens to my comments if I switch my account from public to private or vice versa?

When you switch your TikTok account from public to private, your current followers can still see your comments but you will need to approve new followers.

The comments you posted on other people’s videos will either be visible to others or not, based on the account’s privacy setting at the time of commenting.

When you switch from a private to a public account, your comments will be visible to everyone, and the visibility of comments you make on other users’ videos will be subject to the privacy setting at the time of commenting.


To wrap this up, the visibility of the comments you post on others’ videos and the comments they post on yours is ultimately determined by your TikTok privacy settings.

As you enjoy those intriguing videos on your public TikTok account and plan on leaving a comment, note that it will be visible to not only your followers but anyone else who happens to watch that video. 

Not so with a private account, your comments will be visible to approved followers only.

However, you can sort this by tweaking your privacy settings here and there to suit your visibility needs and give you the best experience. 

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Grace is an Editor at GoTechUG and she has written many articles about website design and social media. She has experience in IT and loves to tinker with anything to do with computers. In her spare time, she loves music, movies, reading books, and learning Spanish.

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