How To Easily Migrate Shopify Blog To Wordpress

By: Peter

Shopify is an all-in-one e-commerce platform that provides you with tools that help you start, run, and grow your business. It has a wide range of themes to meet the needs of retailers of all sizes.

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) licensed under GPLv2. WordPress makes building a website accessible to anyone – even people who aren’t developers.

Much as Shopify offers you everything you need to start an online business, you might be one of those users who would still prefer to move to WooCommerce.



WooCommerce itself recommends the use of this too to migrate data from Shopify. Cart2Cart helps you effortlessly, securely, and accurately migrate all your Shopify data without losing any of it.

S2W – Import Shopify to WooCommerce


This is a free migration plugin you can use to import all products from your Shopify store to WooCommerce. You just need to enter your API key, and your domain name, and you can make some changes.

LitExtension Plugin


LitExtension is super easy to use and doesn’t involve any human intervention, it’s especially great for beginners.


Check out more on this story on the link below.