All you have to do is select an image, icon, or Lottie that you want to use as a custom mouse cursor, add it to your Elementor website, add some styles and you’re good to go!
You are going to need the Premium Addons for Elementor Pro version since the custom mouse cursor comes only in the Pro version. So make sure you have these two installed and activated in your plugins area.
After installing and activating them go to the Premium Addons menu and click on widgets and addons, inside this, you’ll see the Custom Mouse Cursor feature, just enable it (make sure it is green).
After activating the custom mouse cursor feature, go to pages and open up any page or section using Elementor.
In your Elementor editor, select the section or widget, go to advanced and enable the mouse cursor feature on the left, go to cursor Type and choose Icon...
click on the choose icon option which will take you to the Icons Library where you can choose your icon, in the search box, search for “mouse” then choose the pointer option then click the Insert button to insert the pointer.
Elementor Custom Mouse Cursor Tutorial
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